Welcome to Brainologi

The one stop destination for growing your child

What is Brainologi?

Brainologi is a learning platform for young children. If you want to help your child becomean independent thinker use our variety of learning products- books and learning app that can be easily purchased online and used at home.

In a world where children are taught by telling them about stuff and then expecting them to memorise, we want children to learn by thinking about thingsby discovering, unravelling, coming to their own conclusion. And this is the mission of Brainologi. To make children independent thinkers and learners. To be able to apply themselves to any tough problem and be able to solve them.

Reasoning With Data

“Reasoning with Data” is an engaging introduction to the world of data analysis for kids, blending fun activities with fundamental concepts to inspire curiosity and critical thinking.

Reasoning With Shapes

“Reasoning with Shapes” invites kids on an exciting journey through geometry, offering playful explorations and interactive challenges to develop their spatial reasoning skills with ease and enjoyment.

Fun With Algorithms

“Fun with Algorithms” sparks kids’ imaginations with captivating puzzles and games, teaching the magic of problem-solving and computational thinking through entertaining challenges .