
Homework Hustle:
Busy parents’ guide to thriving kids

Welcome to the Homework Hustle Podcast! If you're a parent navigating the complexities of your child's education, this podcast is your ultimate guide. Each episode offers practical advice, expert insights, and real-life strategies to help you tackle educational challenges and foster a love for learning in your kids. All delivered with a bit of humour and lightness.


Sheetal Kapoor

With a Master’s in Child Development and over 30 years of experience,
Sheetal provides invaluable expertise on child behavior and learning techniques.

Shubhada Dayal

As the Founder of Brainologi, Shubhada brings her extensive knowledge in
creating seamless, stress-free learning environments at home.

What You'll Gain

1: Expert Guidance:

Learn from seasoned experts in child development.

2: Practical Strategies:

Get actionable tips for teaching complex topics and managing your child's learning behavior.

3: A bit of fun:

Yes, parenting is a serious subject. But we believe that a bit of humour eases this onerous task. In GK Cheterton’s words, “Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly.`` And you parents are those angels for your children.

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