5 Must-Do’s to Build Life Skills in Your Child Through Playtime!
Author Sheetal Kapoor
1- Ration your help. Let them make mistakes.
Intervene only if you feel that the child is losing interest in the game.
Why? Remember, the more they succeed, even at the simplest tasks, the more they build self-confidence. Understand that our role is to progressively make THEM attain more success and not make the TASK a success by finishing it.
1- Ration your help. Let them make mistakes.
Intervene only if you feel that the child is losing interest in the game.
Why? Remember, the more they succeed, even at the simplest tasks, the more they build self-confidence. Understand that our role is to progressively make THEM attain more success and not make the TASK a success by finishing it.
2.Show and tell. Talk to your child while you show them how something is done.
Why? Simply because, hearing and seeing at the same time, helps them understand better.
3. Keep it easy. Use simple language, but be clear when you describe what the child is seeing.
Why? Short, straightforward instructions help not to confuse the child. Remember that many a time, a child is not able to do something, not because they do not have the ability but because communication is a barrier to understanding.
3. Keep it easy. Use simple language, but be clear when you describe what the child is seeing.
Why? Short, straightforward instructions help not to confuse the child. Remember that many a time, a child is not able to do something, not because they do not have the ability but because communication is a barrier to understanding.
4. Level up. Pay attention to how your child is faring in each game. If they find a certain level too easy, they’ll soon lose interest. Set them a tougher goal; overcoming progressively challenging levels builds a feeling of competence in the child.
Why? Because this is where you are likely to lose the interest of the child. Too easy and they are bored. But also, too difficult and they lose interest because they don’t feel confident enough to pursue it. This is the part where you need to focus on understanding your child.
5.Tell them why. Praise them with simple, encouraging sentences. Let them know how they are doing and why. Ditto when you have to admonish them.
Why? Because “Good boy!” or “Good girl!” doesn’t tell your child what you like about what they did. And therefore, they do not know which behaviour to repeat.
5.Tell them why. Praise them with simple, encouraging sentences. Let them know how they are doing and why. Ditto when you have to admonish them.
Why? Because “Good boy!” or “Good girl!” doesn’t tell your child what you like about what they did. And therefore, they do not know which behaviour to repeat.